European Logo

How to use the European easy-to-read logo?

Inclusion Europe made the easy-to-read logo.

If you see the logo on a document,
it means that the document is easy to read and understand.

Everyone can use the logo.
You can use it on your easy-to-read document, brochure or website.
You do not have to pay for using the logo.

But you must follow some rules:

  • Your document must be written according to the rules
    on easy-to-read information.
    These rules are called the European standards
    for making information easy to read and understand.
  • At least 1 person with intellectual disability
    read your document and said it was easy to read and understand.

Below,you can see some other rules
on how to use the easy-to-read logo.


Using the easy to read logo conditions

  1. People using the logo must follow the “European standards for making information easy to read and understand”.
  2. The use of this logo must be done by these following indications:
    a. Colour: Blue:
    PANTONE – 072;
    CMYK – Cyan 100%, Magenta 87%, Black 6%;
    RVB: 26-63-147;
    WEB: #333399
    b. Minimum size: 15mm
  3. One or several persons with intellectual disability whose native language is the language you are using in your publication should proofread your publication. The name of the proofreaders should appear in the brochure.
  4. You must mention the following sentence in your publications: “© European Easy-to-Read Logo: Inclusion Europe. More information at”.

Inclusion Europe reserves the right to withdraw the permission to use the European easy-to-read logo if the submitted publications should raise serious doubts that the easy-to-read rules were followed in their preparation.


Easy-to-Read Logo …………………………………. gif ETR
Easy-to-Read Logo ………………………………… jpg ETR
Easy-to-Read Logo ………………………………… tiff ETR